Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jon says thing to be encouraging that often come off as something less noble.

Yesterday we worked on painting my bike, which required hanging it on a rope for easy access to paint and dry. I spent the day painting but moved the bike upside down so I could get at some different angles.

When Jon saw the bike he said, "Did you move the bike?"
- Yes
- Wow. Good job. Good for you.

He also once said to me "It's not your fault that no one taught you how to run fast. Or throw things."


Rachael said...

Gregg says I'm heartless. Then we laugh and laugh and laugh.

Anonymous said...

I gave the assignment to your dad to teach you how to run fast and throw things. MD

cate said...

And it's not Jon's fault that he will never know how to keep an angel food cake from falling in the middle or throw a classy party:)